When Ambrose was born we asked the paediatrician in the hospital and later our own paediatrician, about his tongue. It appeared to be tethered right at the top which caused it to have a slight fork. We were told that this was not a tongue tie because he nursed fine, was gaining weight, could stick his tongue out passed his lips and because tongues grow from the tips that most babies looked this way.

Fast forward to 2013. Lex is born and his tongue looks the same. Again we ask, and are told all the same things. Nine months later once his front teeth came in it became obvious that his top gum was severely tied so we made an appointment with a specialist to get it looked at. Yesterday we met with Dr. Heit a cosmetic dentist specializing in tie revisions and other oral surgeries. She told us that Lex had both a serious lip and tongue tie. We chose to have the revision done for Lex. While he cried during, the procedure was very quick. Afterwards he recovered quickly, had a good sleep and then nursed better and longer than he ever has. We are glad we chose to have the procedure done, but wish that we had it done a year ago.

what this means for Ambrose:

Since Lex was tongue tied it’s almost a guarantee that Ambrose is too and probably worse. When Ambrose was still developing “normally”, around 15-18 months he had a few words (including a few he would string together,) but they were never very clear. Once we started to notice physical regression we still heard moments where it really sounded like Ambrose was saying something. Even up until recently we’ve heard what really sound like words in his “babbling”. We have to wonder, does he have a tongue tie so badly that it effects speech. If we had had this revised when he was first born, what wonderful words and stories would we have gotten to hear.