This last week was our last one with Rob off on his parental leave. Starting Monday we are back to juggling two work schedules and this time with some added tricky-ness. We are not anticipating an easy next few week (or months) as we try to adjust to a new way of life.

We’ve been trying to get as much off our plates as possible to facilitate an easy transition. However, it seems like more things are being added to the list than are being crossed off.

To Do a List:
big grocery trip
Catch up on doctors appointments
Do taxes
Buy van/maintenance on car
Organize paperwork
Setup boys bedroom
clean up backyard
Trim hedges
Clean garage
Sort out next years school application
Passport applications
Trip planning

Some of our “to-do ” list failures have been our own fault; things we’ve tried to complete but that we haven’t either committed to or had the energy to fully finish. Some things, like catching up on Drs appointments, are just impossible. Ambrose has had a rough spell so we’ve been to the dr for extra visits this last month, on top of that we’re setting up to have him in a clinical trial which will require up-to-date results on all his old tests. New opthamology, new MRI, new ultrasounds… All things we would have rather completed when we had the time for both parents to focus on it, but that will instead be occurring in the next few weeks.

Busy days ahead; I’m already exhausted just thinking about it.